
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席

许多年前, I was told that the person you report to at work can be more important to your health than your family doctor.

当那个人告诉我时,我吓了一跳, 但就像推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜多年来学到的许多其他东西一样, 遗憾的是,我并不感到惊讶.

这一发现来自于博士的研究. 凯西Chosewood, the Director of the Office for Total Worker Health at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 是疾病控制和预防中心的一部分.

Dr. Chosewood spoke to us at length on our podcast about his research in 2020.

Just recently, we have seen more research that backs up this claim.

Forbes recently published an article detailing the results of a new study by The Workforce Institute at UKG which included 3,来自10个国家的400名员工, “Managers Have Major Impact On Mental Health: How To Lead For Wellbeing.”

69%的人这么认为,上面写着, 他们的上司对他们的心理健康影响最大, 与伴侣的影响相当. And this was more than the impact of their doctor (51%) or therapist (41%).”


  • 43%的员工表示他们感到筋疲力尽, 78%的人表示压力会对他们的工作表现产生负面影响.
  • 71%的人说工作压力对他们的家庭生活有负面影响, 64% say it detracts from their wellbeing and 62% say it degrades their relationships.
  • 然而, 当人们有积极的心理健康时, 63% say they are committed to their work and 80% say they’re energized.
  • A third of people say their manager fails to recognize their own impact on others’ wellbeing.

It also offers recommendations for leaders, similar to things written on this blog for many years:

  • 强调同理心,因为这是正确的事情, 因为它对创新有积极的影响, 用户粘性和留存率.
  • 当人们感受到与目标和更大图景的联系时, 他们也会对自己的工作感觉更好. Remind people about the vision and mission of the organization and be clear about how their work matters.
  • 确保你给了员工学习和发展的机会. Ask them what they want in their current roles and in their next role.
  • Empower people with as much choice as possible in where, when and how they work. Give them control over the projects they work on and the way they get things done.

This realization that your leader can have such a profound affect on your life – even more profound than the doctor you choose and trust with your health and the health of your family – is so important. 它代表了领导的巨大责任.


It represents the need for leaders who have the courage to care because the impact of that leader has such an affect on the whole of a person’s life. Not just from the so-called “9 to 5” hours when you are able to shake the workday off and go home. How you are treated in the workplace (virtual or in person) affects every aspect of our lives.

在最近的播客中,Jennifer Wallace, an author and writer who has written a book on mattering in children and adults, detailed her observations of our BW Papersystems facility in Phillips WI. 她说:

工作压力, 在一天结束的时候感到筋疲力尽, 想知道的, 我在这里有什么影响? 我有影响力吗? 我有发言权吗? Ruminating about office politics, who doesn't have my back, where's my psychological safety? 所有这些东西都是带着父母回家的, 然后他们必须作为第一响应者去那里. As one of the researchers that I emailed said, parents are first responders to their kids. 要成为第一反应者,你必须得到别人的支持. So, when I think about the alignment between what you guys have done and my work, is that you are giving parents the skills in the office to support each other. You are giving communities the skills to re-village their communities so that parents are not one-person villages, 父母可以回家陪他们的孩子, 与流行病级别的焦虑在一起, 压力, 孩子们今天有自杀的念头, 父母有资源, 因为他们不再独自居住, to actually be there and a source of true support for their child in a way that you cannot do it if you are depleted. 你不能这么做. 你不能这么做……

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜不是注定要独自度过一生的. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的身体生来就是互相调节的. 这就是这些办公室的工作. They help you co-regulate to get back into a nice equilibrium before you walk in the door and your kid hits you with whatever is upsetting them for the day, 你现在有资源来帮忙. 你有精力. 就像我遇到的那位做工程师的母亲, she can come home to her newborn baby and have the energy to give to that baby, 要有反应.

在你上大学之前, 获得学位, 找到了一份工作,升职去“管理”别人, I doubt you thought much about the weight of responsibility that would eventually be on your shoulders. 大多数人都不知道.

They appreciate getting promoted because, often, it’s a recognition of hard work. 他们喜欢在薪水中得到更多的钱. 他们喜欢这种状态. 他们喜欢有一间办公室.

There’s not anything necessarily wrong with any of those things. You can still be a good person and enjoy one or more of these things. But how many times do those with an “upward career trajectory” take into account the awesome responsibility of their leadership over the status and material things it brings?

So many threads have been lost as we look at the history of business and capitalism. Maybe the true responsibility of leadership and its ripple effect was never really a thread to begin with, 但现在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜已经意识到它的巨大重要性, 现在不是接电话的时候?

There is a quote by Maya Angelou that is very important to me: “Do the best you can until you know better. 然后,当你知道更好的时候,做得更好.”

领袖们,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜更清楚. 研究结果很明确. 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的领导方式影响着人们的生活方式. The way leaders have been leading – good and bad – has had a tremendous impact on the people within our span of care, 他们的家庭和整个社会.

I often say that business could be a powerful force for good if it only cared about the lives it touched. 证据再令人信服不过了.

I’ll end with another quote from the above referenced Forbes article about how we can begin to do better:

Leaders can make big impacts by tuning in, listening and demonstrating empathy and compassion. 赌注很高, 但成功的几率也很高, 当领导者有意做到最好的时候.


Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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